
Chinese Businessman arrested at JKIA wants DCI Amin and Immigration boss Committed to civil jail for disobeying court order.

Chinese businessman who was dramatically arrested in a plane while leaving JKIA now wants the DCI boss Amin Mohamed committed to civil jail for disobeying court order that allowed him to leave. Chen Chao who is wanted in Rwanda for alleged tax evasion and forgery had been granted bail by the court and allowed to […]


KMJA calls for the arrest of MP Salasya for threatening Kakamega magistrate who ruled against him.

Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association(KMJA) through Lawyer Danstan Omari has called for immediate arrest and prosecution of Mumias MP Peter Salasya for threatening a Kakamega magistrate. In a letter to the DPP, Omari says KMJA wants Salasya arrested for threatening Magistrate Gladys Kiamah for ruling that he pays Sh 500,000 that he owed a businessman. […]