
Health crisis looms in Nyamira county as doctor’s strike kicks off tomorrow.

A Health crisis looms in Nyamira county after doctors announced this afternoon that they will officially down their tools at midnight. Speaking to the press, KMPDU Nyanza branch chairman Dr. Onyango Ndong’a. said the county has been very disrespectful and contemptuous to their strike notice. “We have patiently and diplomatically tried to solve the issues […]


Shocking and first of its kind as state prefers 223 counts against 12 employees of NIS Sacco in 166 M fraud case.

The prosecution has today made a historical charge sheet by preferring 223 counts in one single chargesheet for the 9 accused persons in the NIS Sacco graft case. In the 57-page charge sheet, the prosecution has listed down several offenses against the nine which include Conspiracy to commit a felony, forgery, negligence and stealing. The […]