
Kirinyanga county Assembly Clerk denies disobeying order barring them from sitting to discuss MCA Mathenge’s inciting remarks.

The clerk of the Kirinyaga County Assembly Kamau Aidi has denied disobeying court order barring them from sitting to discuss MCA David Mathenge’s inciting remarks he made in March, Kamau told court that they were not aware that there was a court order when the powers and privileges committee sat to discuss MCA Mathenge. The […]


Lawyer Omari asks appeal court to slap Dolphin Nyangara with punitive costs for not dropping illegal appeal.

City Lawyer Danstan Omari on Monday asked the court to slap Nyamira nominated MCA Dolphin Nyangara with punitive costs for refusing to withdraw her illegal appeal. In the case, Nyangara filed case the appeal court after losing her seat to advocate Michelle Omwoyo. The high court had upheld the decision of the magistrate court that […]

The Supreme Court of Kenya News

DELAYED JUSTICE: Cop who was sentenced to one year in jail for losing firearm completes sentence before his bail application is heard.

A Police officer who sentenced to one year in jail for losing his firearm finished his sentenced months ago before the high court could hear his bail appeal. Cleophus Otundo was convicted and sentenced to one year and he applied for bail pending appeal but his application was never heard until he finished his term. […]