
I might loose my wife if the court does not unfreeze my 21 M for dowry, KERRA employee claims.

KERRA accountant Daniel Wambua has now claimed that he might loose his beautiful wife if the court does not deal with his matter and unfreeze the Sh 21 million.

Addressing court on Thursday afternoon, Lawyer Danstan Omari told court that his client is apprehensive that his wife might loose patience and leave.

Omari told Justice Nixon Sifuna that the matter was urgent because Wambua had not paid dowry yet and according to tradition until he pays then his wife can’t go to his house.

“My Lord, my client is under immense pressure because according to tradition,his wife is waiting somewhere and immediately he pays dowry that’s when she will enter their house “ Omari said.

Justice Sifuna wanted to know the urgency of the matter saying to him there has never been marked money stipulating what it’s meant for.

Omari also argued that the matter should be heard in open court because it’s a landmark case due to the fact that EACC has involved itself in dowry cases.

Judge Sifuna agreed with Omari and said indeed EACC never handles such cases of dowry.

The case will be heard on Wednesday next week.

CH Reporter

CH Reporter

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