The case in which alleged killer cop Ahmed Rashid has been charged with the murder of two boys has been set for hearing on March 14 next year.
Rashid appeared today before Justice Diana Mochache for the pre-trial of the case and the prosecution supplied both the defense and victims with documentary evidence.
According to the witness statements a total of 12 witnesses most of them cops are expected to testify against Rashid.
Rashid is represented by Lawyers Danstan Omari and Sophie Nekesa among others.
Justice Mochache said she wants to expedite the matter and if parties adhere to her directions the case can be completed in four months.
The matter has three hearing dates set which include March 14, 25 and 26 and all the 12 witnesses are expected to testify within those days.
The judge also cautioned all parties in the case to avoid drama in court during hearing saying she could smell it.