Thousands of Njiru residents who are at risk of being homeless have told court that major schools and hospitals within the area will be demolished if the judgment is not stayed.
In an affidavit filed in court, George Olola who is the Chairperson of Runaway View Residents Association representing thousands of households says they are bought the land in question.
Through lawyer Danstan Omari, the residents through Olola say they have been living in Njru land since 2009 and the judgment issued affected them directly.
The institutions that will be affected with the demolitions include Takwa Mosque, Takwa Madarasa.Komboni Catholic Church Mihango, St Monica’s Catholic Church Njiru. Repentance and Holiness Church Njiru and Chokaa, Bhahati Church of Nazarene Njiru, Medina shools primary and secondary miahango among others.
“The applicant is the chairperson of the residents that reside on the said subject property who have registered an association Runaway View Residents Association and motions this court on behalf of the rest of the residents as interests,” reads court papers.
The residents argue that they are not encroachers having bought the land issued with certificates and allotment letters by the County council.
They further claim that they have been duly paying rates to city council but upon the shift to County Council. They were informed that the accounts to pay rates are not in existence and that they would be advised on the way forward.
According to court papers, the judgment of the court to the effect of demolition is going to gravely affect the residents and would be negating economic development of the citizens of Kenya being the residents who are part of the hustler nation
They also argue that several households belonging to them, schools, churches, hospitals and other public amenities are set to be demolished as a result of the judgement.
Njiru residents tell court that major institutions including hospitals and schools will be demolished due to impugned Kirima Land Judgement.