
Pastor found guilty of stealing 35.8 M from a local bank 10 years ago

A pastor was on Friday found guilty of stealing Sh 35.8 Million from ABC Bank with the help of a bank officer who was equally convicted too.

Peter Nyaberi Nyamboga was convicted alongside a Boniface Wainaina Kabeu for stealing Sh 35.8 million from an ABC bank account and depositing it in his church account.

Magistrate Gilbert Shikwe ruled that the prosecution had successfully discharged their burden of proof to the required legal standard in the charge of stealing and therefore convicted the two accused persons.

The Court dismissed the defense by the pastor who claimed that he believed the money was a contribution from his congregants with the magistrate ruling that the defense was neither plausible nor convincing.

“You claimed to be a man of the cloth but it is clear that you were extremely economical with the truth if not outrightly lying to this court” the court ruled.

It was alleged that the on diverse dates between April 2012 and August 2014 they stole Sh 35, 883, 591.45 the property of ABC bank.

The stolen money was later deposited in the account of the church which belonged the Pastor.

The court set July 18 for sentencing of the two convicts.

CH Reporter

CH Reporter

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