
PPDT extends orders restraining ODM from expelling Senator Ojienda from party.

The Political Parties Disputes Tribunal on Friday extended orders restraining the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) from expelling Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda.

The said orders also apply to GEM MP Elisha Odhiambo who had also challenged their expulsion.

ODM has also been directed to file responses to the application within five days of service.

In the orders by the tribunal, PPDT chairperson Desma Nungo barred the party from implementing the decision to expel the MP and senator.

“In the interim and pending the hearing and determination of this Application, this Honourable Tribunal hereby issues interim conservatory orders staying the implementation and/or execution of the decision of the 1st Respondent to expel the Complainant/Applicants, from the Orange Democratic Movement Party,” the order reads.

Ojienda, Odhiambo and Langata MP Jalang’o were expelled alongside MPs Caroli Omondi (Suba South) and Gideon Ochanda (Bondo) but moved to court separately and obtained orders

In the case they argue that on September 6, 2023, to their surprise, not having been heard on the subject charges, ODM issued a presser that the National Executive Committee of the ODM had passed a resolution to adopt the recommendations of the ODM Disciplinary Committee to expel from the party and deregister them as members.

They argue that the decision to expel them from the party is premature and illegal.

The matter be mentioned on October 3 for further directions.

CH Reporter

CH Reporter

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