A woman has told a Mombasa court that two of his sisters were the founders of Good News International Church in Malindi together with their husbands and controversial preacher Paul Mackenzi.
Gertrude Luvuno Deche claimed two of his sisters one still missing and the other located through a DNA samples helped Mackenzie set up the church.
She told Mombasa Chief Magistrate Alex Ithuku that his sister Josephine Mbodze who is still missing was married to Evans Sirya who is accused alongside Mackenzie with manslaughter.
According to Deche, it was through the founding of the church which led to her sister Elizabeth meeting her husband who was also at Makenzi’s church.
She told the court that the late Josephine was living with Elizabeth and it was the late Josephine who confessed to her that her children could not go to school because their education was in heaven.
She further told the court that her sister Josephine used to call her mother demanding for Sh 50,000 claiming she was taking her inheritance.
Deche also told the court that it was Evans’ brother, Lewis who informed her that Josephine, and her children had died due to fasting at Shakahola.
She was testifying in a case where Makenzi is charged alongside 92 other with 238 charges of manslaughter.
“A postmortem result stated that my sister Elizabeth died as a result of starving. We buried Elizabeth at Dzidzoni. We have not been able to locate our sister Josephine who was married to Evans” she told the court.